As a charity ourselves, we take great pride in helping others through our various schemes and initiatives. Whether it’s supporting education or assisting with the homeless pandemic, we find it incredibly important to always give back. Many charities like us do similar work with the hope to make the world a better place. However, haveContinue reading “Why helping others is so important”
Tag Archives: education charity
The pandemic and education – What impact has covid had on learning?
The importance of schools and education is critical to the development of the young generation. Not only is it important for their personal growth, but also their mental stability and health. Education comes in the form of schools or various learning centres, providing children with stability, routine and consistency within their lives. This helps toContinue reading “The pandemic and education – What impact has covid had on learning?”
Why charities are needed in today’s society
As you may or may not be aware, our foundation is a UK charity. Our objective is to harness the activities and initiatives of the family’s ongoing philanthropy work. We recently wrote a piece on the importance of charity, but why are they needed more than ever in today’s society? Well, charities like ours bring together peopleContinue reading “Why charities are needed in today’s society”
Why is education so important for children’s development?
Everyone knows that learning begins from the minute you take a breath into this world. From the first cry, the first yawn, the first mishap, each child is learning, and educating themselves. Early childhood education is critical for the brain development of young people. This stage is very crucial for a child’s physical and mentalContinue reading “Why is education so important for children’s development?”
The importance of charity
The Koolesh Shah Family Foundation is a UK charity. The focus of our foundation is to help aid the homeless and support individuals who struggle with mental health issues. We aim to promote ‘excellence’ in each act of giving or charity. As a foundation, we are specifically interested in encouraging applications from all areas aroundContinue reading “The importance of charity”
A closer look at our foundation
A true part of being a person is about helping others. In a way, helping others is a way we help ourselves. At the Koolesh Shah Foundation, we believe in a world where every child can read. Our mission is to invest in early childhood education in order to empower the next generation. We feelContinue reading “A closer look at our foundation”